The Boston Consulting Group's Journey to 10 Hudson Yards
The new headquarters of BCG in New york, is not just a cutting-edge design project but it triggers a real revolution in terms of quality of work.
The new headquarters of BCG, a multinational management consultancy in New York, is not just a cutting-edge design project but it triggers a real revolution in terms of quality of work. With the splendid photographs by Stefano Pasqualetti, the volume captures the phases and the surprising outcome of a futuristic project and a renewed identity for BCG 10 Hudson Yards.
The Boston Consulting Group headquarters could not have found a better location. The neighborhood, the largest private real estate development since the Rockefeller Center, is now the nerve center of New York. Half of the New York’s top listed companies have moved into the new development.
BCG wanted to revolutionize its offices not only aesthetically but also functionally. The new organization of space reflects the multinational’s identity: communication and interaction between people has to be encouraged to create a comfortable and above all efficient working environment. So it contains very few fixed locations and a particular concern for communal areas favoring casual encounters between colleagues. The aim is to incentivize the “collision coefficient”: the more opportunities created for unexpected interactions, the stronger the ties between people, optimizing teamwork.
The book, with magnificent photographs by Stefano Pasqualetti, architect and photographer, retraces the steps of the project, capturing the profound sense of change and the revolutionary charge of a new work environment, more attentive to the needs of the individual and projected into the future. A series of interviews with BCG’s senior partners completes the work.
Format 30x30 cm
Pages 296
Year of publication 2018
ISBN 9788891819741
Language English
Genre Company Histories
Publisher Electa
Author Stefano Pasqualetti
Preface Stephen Ross, Carlos Martinez and Jean Anderson, Stefano Pasqualetti
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